About Us

Scand Group AB is a privately owned consultancy and management company funded in the summer of 2014. The young company with big experience.

Scand Group AB has a portfolio that consists of public as well as privately owned companies. We are specially found of investing and helping companies that are in retail, marketing, internet and tech companies.

Scand Group is specially fond of investing in start ups and helping entrepreneurs with both smart capital and economical funds. Nearly all of our investments in start ups and smaller companies results in a representative taking a place in the management team or board of directors and take an active part in the companies future and the strategies to reach the targets stated in the business plan and/or owners directive.

With our long experience we also help companies on management level as consultants both in turn around cases and in fast growing companies. What we offer as consultants are leadership coaching, mentoring, helping creating business strategies as well as taking on temporary management or turn around roles in the organization. We have our own consultants but we also work in cooperation with different partners to make sure that the right specialist is matched with the right challenge. The most common based way for us to charge our consultants are in different profitsplit models, which nearly guarantees a great result.

The main shareholder of Scand Group is Peter Borgman (www.peterborgman.com) who has a long history as an entrepreneur who started his first company in 1994, one of the first companies with focus on web design. From that start Peter Borgman has had leading roles in large companies as well started and developed small companies.