Investment Strategy

We have a passion for start ups, fast growing companies and companies that has decided to do a turn around. We have several different Investment models all with a long term focus and an aim for a long and profitable cooperation.

We have several investment models with different focus, involvement and exit strategies.

Passive owner
This is when we enter as a passive owner in cases where the company is need for new capital. This model is most commonly used when investing in a company that is publicly listed.

Active owner
In this model we invest with money and/or knowledge. We take a position in the management team or the board of directors. We take a great responsibility in the company and aims to be a part of the journey as well as the goal.

Turn around investment/consultant
This is the most active and offensive investment. It is often more a need of knowledge than capital. We take an active role in a leading position at the company and agrees of a common goal.This can also be deliverd on consultancy bases. If we deliver it on a consultancy base our fee is based on our common goals and milestones. We have many years of experience both in public listed and small private companies of turn around management.

This is the model where we take the full responsibility and acquire the whole company. We are very careful with this kind of investments since we believe that the capital in companies lies in the people working and building it on daily business.

All our investment strategies are with the goal to development the object/company on a long term of 5 to 10 years. We use our knowledge in management and turn around management to help the company grow.

The main target of investment object is small and medium business in the nordic that has a strong product or vision. We are glad to invest in companies from the beginning (start ups) and with our large network we can help entrepreneurs with the startup and creation of a market and a brand.

If you are interested in us, our strategies or is looking for capital and knowledge, don’t hesitate to contact us