Scand Groups invests the IT-company ExaktIT AB. ExaktIT has its base in Lund and focuses on the Lund/Malmoe market.
ExaktIT has existed for several year and has LJ System as its majority owner. With a new CEO and a focus on growth ExaktIT is a perfect match in the Scand Groups portfolio.
As part of the agreement Peter Borgman, takes a place on ExaktITs’ board.
“We see the investment as a way for us to help Joakim Karlsson and ExaktIT to continue its growth in Lund/Malmoe. We love that ExaktIT has focus on small companies, companies that has different demands on IT than large companies has. When it comes to small companies they need fast and quick IT, with focus on local delivery and IT that matches their growth without agreeing to long term agreements or solution. Since we at Scand Group focus on startup and turnarounds we also love to invest in an IT company that help startups and smaller companies” says Peter Borgman.